NELA Critical Mass Flyer PDF

So it has come to this: After a long hiatus, the monthly NELA Critical Mass will be re-born this Friday, January 31 2014, in order to bring bike lanes and traffic-calming measures to North Figueroa Street in Northeast Los Angeles.  The world-wide Critical Mass bike ride has always been about celebrating the bicycle as a meaningful transportation alternative and demanding the space it rightfully deserves on the roadway. What better inspiration do we have, than demanding the promised bike lanes on Figueroa?

The ride will meet at 7PM outside the Gil Cedillo Council District 1 Field Office located at 5577 North Figueroa Street in Highland Park, and roll-out around 7:30PM. Bring your bike, bike lights and a positive attitude. See you there and every Last Friday of The Month until change has come to Figueroa.


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