ASNC Special Meeting Report


Nate Baird from the Los Angeles Department of Transportation presents the department’s research and Bike Plan for North Figueroa.

The Special Meeting on Bike Lanes for North Figueroa Street was attended by over 60 people on Thursday, May 16th and lasted an hour and fifteen minutes. The bulk of the meeting consisted of a presentation from LADOT led by Nate Baird that described the history of bike planning in Los Angeles, the 2010 Bike Plan, and how it will effect North Figueroa Street. The presentation was followed by audience questions for LADOT, then followed by timed one minute general comments. Due to time constraints, not everyone was allowed to comment before the meeting’s adjournment, but were encouraged to submit their comments via comment cards and email to: At the end of the meeting ASNC President, Martha Benedict conducted a show-of-hands poll that resulted in 27 opposed to bike lanes on Figueroa, and 32 in favor. Tonight’s special meeting will be reported to the rest of the  neighborhood council during the Local Issues Committee Report, Item 15 on the agenda for Monday’s Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council Meeting at 7PM.

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